GFA Elections 2019: Addoquaye Pappoe is not my relative and I had no hand in his Black Stars call-up – Fred Pappoe

Fred Pappoe addressing the media in Tamale

By: Kwaku Oduro



Ghana Football Association presidential hopeful, Fred Pappoe has rubbished claims and assertions that he is related to, and influenced the call-up of former Black Stars defender Emmanuel Addoquaye Pappoe to Ghana’s senior male football national team.

The former Chairman of the Management Committee of Ghana’s Senior National Soccer Team made the clarification when he was quizzed during his Press briefing in the Northern Regional capital, Tamale yesterday.

He said, “Addoquaye Pappoe is no relation of mine. The only common thing between us is our surname. If you may recall in 2001 was the captain of the Under-21 team that represented Ghana in the World Championship that won silver and even two years before then in the Under-17. At that time I was nowhere near the FA but Pappoe was already captain of the national team at that time so wherein lie the assertion that I influenced his inclusion in the national team. I don’t believe I was that powerful to pull strings together for Pappoe to be called up”.

“I don’t involve myself in the selection of players at all, both at club and national team levels”. He concluded.

Fred Pappoe is one of the leading candidates for the highest position in Ghana football come 25th of October 2019 and he is in the Northern Region to campaign for votes from delegates.


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