Ghana Premier League: RTU must adapt during these Injuries crisis – Shaibu Ibrahim Tanko

RTU Head Coach Shaibu Ibrahim Tanko
RTU Head Coach Shaibu Ibrahim Tanko

Head coach of Real Tamale United, Shaibu Ibrahim Tanko has admitted it is up to him to adapt and find solutions for the club throughout their ongoing injury crisis.

This season has seen David Abagna, Sadat Mohammed and Issah Hudu lengthy spells on the sidelines while Nurudeen Wemah and Hafiz Abdulai have both been struggling wit fitness.

And ahead of their second round opener against Great Olympics on Monday, the Director of Sports at the University For Development Studies has taken responsibility and stated that his side must adapt to combat injuries.

He said: “Every style changes with long term injuries of key players. We have been playing the majority of games with wing-backs but our situation has come from the midfield and defence. Abagna and Sadat situation has been compounded by the fitness of Hafiz. They had a huge impact on our games when they were fully fit.

But as a club and as head coach “It’s on us, on me to adapt and find solutions.”

Real Tamale United ended the first round with 20 points on 13th place but will look to consolidate their status next season.

By: Sey Mubarick

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