Kotoko players do not learn from mistakes; it is boring watching them – Ntow Gyan


Former Asante Kotoko player, Ntow Gyan has taken a strong swipe at the current crop Kumasi Asante Kotoko players, describing them as boring to be watched and not ready to learn from their mistakes to improve.

“We were much matured during our days at Kotoko but players of today like dressing more than their training and it is affecting their performance on the field” He revealed on Ashh FM’s Super Sports show.

He added that, “Players in this country currently are jokers, they are not serious with their training and always do ‘concert’ things on the field, when playing [in] games”.

When asked about Songne Yacouba’s current dip in form situation with Kotoko, he opined that “The midfielders [of Kumasi Asante Kotoko] do not feed Songne Yacouba well with the balls so it makes him always come back into the centre circle for the balls which makes him get tired all the time”.

He also suggested that there should be one robust defender at the back to get the balance those playing currently play the same style of football.

He went on to advice Coach C.K. Akunnor to pair Wahab Adams with one of those currently playing to get that balance in defense.

Ntow Gyan finally appealed that “there dhould be togetherness within the legends of Kotoko and the management to help Dr. Kwame Kyei move the team forward”.

By: Eugene Kwame Anane (Ashh FM)

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