The owner and president of a division two side FC Tamale, Ibrahim Gagbuni has said Ameenu Shardow’s statement plunges the GFA and its leadership into Credibility Crisis.
Who is being truthful?
The GFA and its leaders are obliged to be credible in all areas; notably, organization, attitude, communication and delivery.
They must say what they mean and do what they say. Wavering behaviours from leadership and the GFA discombobulates stakeholders.
Having personal credibility is crucial for anyone leading or associated with an organization like the GFA. It among other things requires that one, must have a very high level of credibility in all his/her skips and darts. That credibility must be exhibited always and must also engulf organizational operations.
Credible as defined by the dictionary aptly means BELIEVABLE; WORTHY OF BELIEF, IN OTHER WORDS, CONFIDENCE AND TRUSTWORTHY. Regrettably the areas of credibility required within the GFA is fast disappearing; Financial, Marketing and Management just to mention but a few.
The GFA and its leadership owe it to stakeholders, to be honest and transparent with its finances.
Stakeholders need to feel confident that, the financial numbers that are shared can be believed and trusted. Stakeholders want to see that under the leadership. The GFA’s financial figures must be credible and with the right motive and intent.
It is a sad story when the GFA MASKS organizational issues by using creative financial reporting tactics and language with the intent of misleading stakeholders. We have seen publications where Mr. Palmer made mention of a certain missing page 22 Which is yet to be cleared by the GFA.
Well, I think the leader and the GFA are in real credibility crisis and have failed the financial credibility score looking at all the financial allegations attached to the GFA under President Okraku in just 7 months in office. ie. Financial statements with missing pages, legacy debt issues and so on.
Marketing is an important area of an organisation that must have its credibility at the highest levels. The end product of an organisation must always be what was advertised. As regards, President Okraku promised clear values of integrity, leadership and professionalism. He once said, the bedrock is transparency, accountability and there is no debating those points. These on several occasions were drummed home on his campaign.
However, the recent happenings are entirely antithetical to the message he trumpeted home during his campaign.
What has gone wrong?
Have you ever been drawn into a business by an advertisement only to find out that that there was a “bait and switch” going on?
Situations like that tarnish the reputation of the organisation and create a negative public perception which is exactly what is going on at the moment and that could be the reason why Puma slashed the sponsorship package by whopping 30% reported by Joy sports.
Has the leadership and the GFA lost the plot in the marketing credibility too ??
Managing all components in an organisation including the Human Resource is very crucial in enhancing the credibility of the organisation .
There is a need to have credibility with the way the GFA is managed. This is very important not only to staff at the secretariat who can bost of being proud of their employer but most importantly the stakeholders and the general public. The Stakeholders and the general public does recognise if GFA management practice are professional and credible.When stakeholders have continued unresolved issues, the credibility of the Organisation will come in to question.
Remember; credibility is about trustworthiness and following through what is promised. Service after sale is how customers judge an organisation and a good customer service is critical to growing and retaining a solid customer base. Is President Okraku’s leadership failing the service credibility to stakeholders and losing customer base?.
Credibility with the quality of what we do helps give confidence to those who patronise the game and attract investment to all sectors to the game.
(This where brand recognition meet credibility)
Well, the verdict is out there for all, for 10 years, no investment whatsoever for Juvenile football in Ghana. And we all know that to have a strong building, you must, first of all, have a stronger foundation.
Finally, being credible as an individual or organisation is a conscious choice we make. Of course, it’s not easy. However, with the right priorities and focus, it can result in establishing a reputation for quality, honesty and transparency which will ultimately result in business growth.
How much credibility is left in the tank? Your guess is as good as mine.